Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
— Psalms 55:22


Prayer is powerful. As sisters in Christ, we are called to pray for each other, and it is our heart’s desire to come alongside you in prayer. Submit your request and our devoted prayer team will join you in covering your request.

  • May we run to your feet and draw from your strength daily. May we lay aside the things of this world and prioritize the things of heaven. Let us be so confident in who you are that no matter what we face our joy runneth over.

  • Help us to keep our eyes on your unmovable kingdom, Lord, on the very thing that cannot be taken from us. Our hope set, secured in the truth, staying steadfast in our calling and wholly devoted to you.

  • Father, help us keep our feet set in the purpose you have laid before us. Having put our trust in you, regardless of what comes, we can remain confident in who you are. May we be so grounded in your love that we cannot be shaken.

  • Father, help us to love others, not as the world loves, but as you have called us to love. Help us to model your example of what love truly is.

  • Father, make us more like you.

Breath Prayers

These simple prayers are drawn from scripture and are a great way to calm your heart and focus your mind on Christ. Inhale through the first phrase and exhale through the next. Repeat.